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1st Phorm Phormula-1 (32 Servings)

1st Phorm Phormula-1 (32 Servings)



The key to Phormula-1 is its purity: The Phormula-1 Matrix utilizes only the highest quality hydrolyzed and predigested whey protein fractions with Low-Temperature Processed Cross-Flow Micro-Filtrated Whey Protein Isolate for maximum assimilation speed and amino acid retention. It is virtually void of carbohydrates, making it an ideal protein if you are on a low-carb diet or preparing for your next contest or show. Phormula-1 provides an ultra bio-available, rapid-assimilation protein source that is ideal for proper post-workout nutrition.

Pure whey protein isolates that are hydrolyzed and predigested are an essential part of any training and supplementation program. Phormula-1 makes an especially strong impact when used post-workout! The materials that you provide your body with post-workout determine not only the quality of muscle built, but also the rate at which lean muscle repair and growth occurs. Phormula-1 was formulated specifically to work in tandem with 1st Phorm®'s Ignition™ for ideal recovery and muscle tissue repair after periods of moderate or intense training. Phormula-1's rapid assimilation qualities are also ideal to use first thing in the morning to give your body a quick hit of essential amino acids to promote muscle growth.

While Phormula-1's rapid assimilation is ideal post-workout or first thing in the morning upon waking, throughout the day you should be sure to keep a steady flow of amino acids to your muscles by utilizing the ultra bio-available sustained-assimilation protein source, Level-1™.

Make the switch and feel the difference with Phormula-1!

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